Breaking news from the murky corner of a Sacramento coffee shop: we just launched our Indiegogo campaign for Cycle for Science!!! After three mostly sleepless nights of spastic typing and video editing, we’ve finalized our goals and the campaign is live.

As a recap – in exactly two months, Elizabeth and I are bicycling from San Francisco to New York City. As we zoomzoom across the US, we’ll be stopping in middle school classrooms to teach science lessons and to interview science educators. We’re designing the “Sol Cycle” – a 3d printable, solar powered bicycle demo – to teach about renewable energy and physics, and to make our project possible we need some help covering the costs to print this and to document teacher’s stories.

Check out our full campaign here!

We also did our third teacher interview today! Sneak peak: this amazingly driven woman saw a need, and single-handedly started robotics and programming electives at her middle school! Stay posted for upcoming blog posts about her and the inspiring teachers we’ve spoken to so far.